Sunday, April 24, 2011

Death of the Easter Bunny

My two girls woke up this morning with nothing on their mind except what the Easter Bunny had left in their baskets during the night.  Amazingly enough they were filled with candy that Daddy likes also, (wink, wink).  As Bella (2 yr.old) dug through her basket she emerged with a large box and immediately started making growling sounds.  What in the world is wrong with that child I thought, has she been over taken with demons on Easter Morning?  She then shouts in her little two year old 15q24 voice, "Look Daddy a dinatore"!  What was she talking about?  The large chocolate Easter Bunny in the box evidently looks like a dinosaur to Bella.  Dinosaur or Bunny either one she tore into it and devoured it, Steven Speilberg would have been proud of her T-Rex like reflexes. 

Sorry Easter Bunny you've been trumped!

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